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Synology DS1512 +: another high NAS field Atom Cedar trail and USB 3.0

Publi�EPAR Romain Heuillardle Thursday, March 1, 2012

Synology holds the country no Annon�ant as yesterday the new � disk station DS1512 + �, successor of the DS1511 + Lanc� is there but also a little more than a year and in particular variant five � berries DS1812 +, he-M�me variant of the DS712 +.

Synology DiskStation DS1512+
If the DS712 + Lanc� was platform with a Diff�rente some time ago, the DS1812 + � as he �t� week Derni�re and � the exception of the number of sites for hard drives, the Int�gralit� of the positions share its up to � his connections.

There is therefore a processor Intel Atom D2700 (BI-C�ur Cadenc� � 2. 13 GHz), 1 GB M�moire DDR3 RAM of expandable � 3 GB, two USB 3.0 ports, four USB 2.0 ports and two eSATA as many Unit�s enlargement DX510 join. The combination of hard drives or SSD serial ATA 3 Gbps in the format of � 2.5 or 3.5 inch in RAID 5 and two ports, Gigabit Ethernet Combin�s claim, what it is a transmission in reading and �criture respectively 200 and 195 MB / s.

Report � its Pr�d�cesseur, also � level Mat�rielle, DS1512 + B�n�ficie � in turn to a cooling available Syst�me � of the user. If he wants to, can it clean effectively fan 80 mm origin or replace them with more efficient or quieter Mod�les.

The � Synology disk station DS1512 + � D�s � Pr�sent to the public cost of around 725 euros is available. It Ex�cute the disk Station Manager (DSM), including the Fonctionnalit�s Unifi� are D�crites in this particular Actualit� firmware.

Synology DiskStation DS1512+ Synology DiskStation DS1512+
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